Your Rights After an Auto Accident

Did you know that in the state of Oregon, auto insurance companies are required by law to include PIP (Personal Injury Protection Protection) in their auto insurance coverage?

This means that if you have auto insurance and are involved in an accident, your PIP coverage provides at least $15,000 in medical benefits for up to two years after the accident. Medical benefits include Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture, Rehabilitation, Medical, Hospital and Surgical as well as other types of care. 

If you are involved in an auto accident, do not wait to get a full exam to make sure that everything is OK. Even if you initially feel fine, it is worth it to get fully checked out, especially since it will be no cost to you!

I have seen so many patients that come to me weeks or months after an auto accident, who thought they were fine initially but developed significant issues down the road. By waiting, you are only allowing the dysfunction and injuries from the accident to become cemented into your body, making it much more difficult to fix. 

Bottom line: If you are involved in auto accident, get checked out right away – it’s no cost to you and can save you a lot of pain down the road!

men driving a car